This blog will detail all the possible outcomes and necessary steps to take in fixing your engine overheating problem. If at any time you feel unsafe or unsure of these steps and how to execute them, please seek mechanical guidance.

First off I think it would be beneficial to describe exactly what a ULEZ zone is, and how having a EURO 6 engine will benefit you.
This abbreviation stands for Ultra Low Emission Zone. This can be bad areas for any petrol car that doesn’t meet the euro 4 emission laws, or diesel vehicles not meeting the euro 6 emission laws. Basically, any petrol car after the year 2005 should be okay and not receive any charges for driving in these areas. A Tfl study indicates that 7 in 10 cars are already safe and compliant. Not sure about your vehicle? you can find out by checking here.
How Much Is The Charge?
The charge will be 12.50 for every single day that you have to drive through one of these zones whilst not being compliant.
With almost anything these days, you can pay for this online ( on a recurring basis or pay as you go. If you have a vehicle that breaks these laws, and you know that you will be charged in the future, there are options to pay in advance also. There is also an app that you can install straight to your phone to keep up to date with payments on IOS and ANDROID.
Payment Failure – With any fine that you occur, there are consequences to not paying on time. This will result in a monetary penalty of £80 that must be paid inside of 2 weeks, or it will be doubled to £160.
Automatic Payments – Again, if you are regularly entering ULEZ, you can set up automatic payments that get taken out in when you enter. If you decide to do it this way, you can get a £1 discount so that means you will pay £11.50 instead of the original charge of £12.50.
We wouldn’t be surprised to see a rise in the near future of these zones. As it is clearing up the air and providing people with a much more efficient car that has to abide by strict rules and regulations. So be sure to keep a lookout for any ULEZ that might appear in your area.

Of course, it’s fair to say that euro 6 engines are complying with rigorous engine standards that provide a much more fuel and economy efficient approach to driving that have many benefits to all parties. Pedestrians nearby are breathing in fewer chemicals, engines are not emitting as many emissions into our environment which will also benefit surrounding wildlife. Not to mention, the money-saving aspect of it all.
Euro 6 engines being diesel, are a much more cost-effective way of driving. It will cost you more to fill up your tanks than that of a petrol motor, but you will save yourself money in the long run when it comes to racking up miles on your vehicle. Not to mention the money that you will also save by being compliant in ULEZ if your daily work commute has to pass through these zones once a day Monday through Friday, and you only worked half the year that’s £1,625 saved already!
With such a positive impact and feedback that these zones have been receiving, we could assume that there will be more and more of these in the future. So if your area is not affected by these zones yet, it may be worthwhile considering a euro 6 engine in the near future, to avoid these charges and clean up our environment.
At first, we were lead to believe that the real enemy was Co2 emissions and that they were the most harmful to our environment and our health. After more research and careful evaluation, we managed to find out that NOx emissions were way more harmful, particularly to the health of humans and those who may suffer from respiratory diseases such as asthma, may be at a much higher risk of worsening their illness should the be exposed to this chemical often.
Co2 emissions are still very harmful, they contribute more to the pollution of our everyday environment. It’s important to note that older style diesel engines emit less co2, but emit more NOx than their petrol counterparts. However, new vans that have been built with euro 6 engines, are extremely low in emitting both chemicals.
This breaks the dilemma of having to battle between a vehicle that emits more CO2 or a vehicle that emits more Nox. Now we have an extremely efficient engine that complies with all rules and regulations, helps clean up our environment and prevents pedestrians from breathing in nasty chemicals, and also helps us save money. That’s a win-win-win all in one!
This is a powerful movement that will no doubt be adapted upon in the near future, with more of these zones put into place, there will be tighter rules and regulations, and a new engine to match. How long in the future these adaptions will come nobody knows. we reckon that the euro 6 engine will stay as for at least a little while as its having great feedback and impact already.
Like the world, in general, is looking to make towards a greener future in terms of the environment, it is great to know that the car and van industry is starting to follow suit. London, being a massive city and the first to introduce ULEZ, has 50% of its pollution made up of the car and van engines. Needless to say, this causes big health problems for Londoners, as more than 9,000 every single year pass away from consistently breathing in polluted air from these vehicles that are not meeting the new standards.
Net Zero is a term that means a particular city has achieved a neutral level of greenhouse gas emissions. This can be very hard to do, but Glasgow wants to be the very first city in the United Kingdom to achieve this milestone. We expect it to be followed by many more cities once this has been achieved. Slowly, with all cities making this their end goal to achieve, emissions will continue to fall to safe levels and it will further encourage drivers to start purchasing vehicles with compliant Euro 6 engines to add their contribution to this remarkable achievement.

Some businesses will be hit harder by these zones than others. Any company that has to use multiple vehicles in their line of work that passes through these zones could be paying large sums of money if they are not compliant.
Take Royal Mail, for example, they will have a lot of vehicles passing through these zones on a regular basis. This has resulted in Royal mail switching to electric vans and plan to continue rolling out many more as the years pass by.
This should be a recurring theme across many businesses in the future. Most likely if massive names like Royal Mail see big success in their electric pursuit, many may look to start doing the same thing in order to help avoid charges and clean up their daily surroundings.
This would then lead to the question: How long before we all go fully electric?
We as a company support this movement and offer you vans that are fully compliant with EURO 6 engines. We have great ranges of new vans for sale that come with amazing specs and a special price tag. Browse from one of our 3 ranges below, all of our services are also compliant with the new COVID-19 rules and restrictions and we offer a fast and easy, no contact service for all our customers so you can feel safe whilst doing business with us!